Wednesday, 8 October 2008

What's Happening To Me?


Not really. I've been busy minding other people's businesses. In fact, I got a lot of things to blog but I just can't concentrate due to pressing issues that I need to deal with on the RM50 Millions Project that I am handling now. It's just the beginning but I and my team must get the good start! Challenges and limitations? These two things will be part of my quest to a very successful work done!!!

On a lighter part, I had conversation with my GM on "general" matters...

GM : You play golf?
Me : Err..not really. But I have a golf set in my store room. It has been 8 years since my last game at Bukit Tinggi.
GM : Ooooh!
Me : My target to get back at least at the driving range lah...
GM : Better start now....

Another one....

GM : Joseph...when are you going to get one? (Pointing to his Merc E200)
Me : In my dream, Sir...
GM : !!!!!
Me : Put it this way...
Me : You increase my salary 5 to 6 folds then I will decide to buy one if not better than yours. Hehehe
GM : Muahahaha....see how lar..
GM : You better get back to work...